When Chad Leverett and Rick Wash first met during the City Council campaign in the summer of 2020, they discussed ideas to make Pelham a more cohesive community. They discovered they were passionate about bringing a Christmas parade to the city. In the entire history of the City of Pelham, there had never been a Christmas parade, and many people wanted to change that.

After Rick won a seat on the City Council, Chad and Rick approached city leaders with their idea for a Christmas parade. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and they were given full support.

When the Pelham Strong nonprofit was established, Chad, Rick, and an army of volunteers worked tirelessly to stage the city’s first Christmas parade on December 11, 2021. A full slate of activities was offered in conjunction with the parade, and the overall event was named A Pelham Hometown Christmas.

About 50 units, including elaborate floats and the Pelham High School band, made the loop from the Pelham Civic Complex & Ice Arena parking lot to Highway 31, Highway 119, State Park Road, and back to Amphitheater Road. Santa Claus arrived at the end of the parade, and a tree lighting was held on the Civic Complex lawn. Inside the Civic Complex & Ice Arena, families could enjoy free ice skating, cookies, hot chocolate, cider, and photos with Santa.

A Pelham Hometown Christmas has grown bigger and better each year, and attendance has been fantastic. We look forward to continuing this tradition for many years to come!

Title Sponsor

Magic of Christmas Sponsors

Santa's Workshop Sponsors